Friday, January 29, 2010
Where have I been?
So last post was about Haiti and for me, it's a very sobering event and to see the ten's of thousands of deaths. This, to a country that had horrific struggles before the earthquake. hopefully you found it in your heart to help.
I find myself griping here and there about my side effects and what little I can do and they I read an article about Ken Green. Most of you may not know him but he was a professional golfer who usually wore bold green clothing and shoes, hmmm wonder why?
He was featured in an article in Sports Illustrated for saving his dog, you see he lives in FL and has a small canal running through his backyard and he heard a rustling and saw his german shepard in the grips of an alligator. Ken jumped in the canal and beat the gator until his dog was let go, unbelievable.
fast forward to 8 months ago where Ken, his brother, brother's girlfriend and Ken's dog were traveling in the RV with his brother driving and they had a fatal accident. Ken lost his brother, brother's girlfriend and his dog. Ken had one leg amputated at the knee.
just this week, I read that they found Ken Green's 21 year old son dead.
When you think you're having a tough day....think of Ken Green. For me, I'm a lucky guy to be sitting here with some measly side effect.
count your blessings.
I promise next post will be up-beat.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Do your part for Haiti
Unfortunately as time rolls on, the spotlight will move someplace else but the need will go on for years.
My wife did a mission in Haiti back in the mid 80's and it moved her then and Haiti has been in her heart ever since.
Do your part, help out.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dennis Hopper
The famous legendary actor, Dennis Hopper, is losing his battle against prostate cancer. He has been fighting this cancer since 2002, and only in October of 2009 has the general public known about his disease. When diagnosed in 2002, Hopper did undergo treatment at the University of Southern California but kept the cancer story away from the media until this past October.
Just recently, the doctors have informed him that the disease has now spread to his bones and have told Hopper that it is incurable. Hopper is now 73 years old.
Hopper has just finished filmng for the US tv show Crash, and is now saying goodbye to his family and friends after being told the devastating news. Hopper had been telling his friends that he had an intuition that he was losing his battle even before this latest statement by his doctors.
The actor is also famous for starring in movies such as Blue Velvet, Apocalypse Now and Easy Rider. He remains married to his fifth wife, 42-year-old Victoria Duffy
There are about 190,000 prostate cancer cases per year and 30,000 will die from this annually. It is the most common cancer occurring in men.
My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his curiosity is running wild. What type of treatment did he undertake in 2002 when he was first diagnosed? What has he done since?
Cancer sucks, we need to find a cure.
Monday, January 11, 2010
yeah right.
The Packers came into the game with the #2 defense in the league and after the first quarter you would have thought it was the 2nd worst. It was a seesaw game and you should have seen my wife. OMG, I thought she was going to have a heart attack, lots of screaming going on, fun to watch.
On the health front, still on the hormone therapy and while it's doing it's job by dropping the PSA, I'm experiencing side effects that suck. Weight gain...already almost 20 lbs and it's hard as hell to control. The cravings are all day and I can't seem to get enough. Cookies, chips, snacks, whatever, I've worn a path from my office to the pantry and fridge. did i mention that it sucks?
Oh well, could be worse, it always could be worse, yes, the glass is half full.
14 degrees this morning in Charlotte, get me Al Gore's phone number, he needs to hear how cold it is all over the country.
Hope you're doing great...check in again, I'll have another post soon.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
17 in Charlotte?
holy man, it feels like I'm back in Wisconsin. 17 degrees....exactly why I moved south.
2010 - what kind of year will it be?
I believe it's up to you really. Actions you put into motion will create an outcome. You need to decide what desired outcome you want and align your actions to match your goals.
If you want to lose say 10 lbs, one action you should avoid is the drive through at the fast food joint.
If you want to improve your relationship with your significant other, you might not want to lay around on the couch, watch sports all weekend and holler "hey, bring me some chips and a beer"
If you want to be more successful at work, surfing fun websites half the day and cutting out early just won't help.
In early I heard "you have cancer and maybe a 20-25% chance of a cure"...and so I had a choice. My decision was to align my actions and attitude that cancer won't get me down or defeat me.
The glass is half full folks, that's the lens I use, hope you do to.
Here's to a rockin 2010 and that you all create the happiness, success and relationships you desire. Go Make it a Great Day!