Thursday, June 16, 2011


Went in for my quarterly appointment with my Oncologist on Tuesday of this week.
Blood test, PSA, conversation with Dr. Reza...all went went.

today, phone call from Alison, Dr. Reza's nurse.

PSA = 0.0

Yeah baby....KickinPC!!! The words "cancer is in remission" are music to my ears

Now tell a friend, raise awareness, let's go find a cure

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

US Open Golf this weekend

How can you not root for Phil Mickelson? The guy has finished 2nd a record 5 times and given that the tourney ends on father's day, he's a big family man, so I'll be pulling for him to get past 2nd and to add this major to his resume.

The US Open, our national championship, most likely the toughest major of the four from a course setup standpoint, is going to be wide open this year where 1 of 60-70 guys could win.

It all starts Thursday.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

good news

last week I went in for a check up (so I could go to Summer camp for Scouts) and they took a PSA.
It came back "less than .01"

Woo Hoo!

I'm off to see my Oncologist today for my quarterly check up....should be a good visit.

KickinPC - Kicking Prostate Cancer.....all the way to curb, down the street and out of the neighborhood.

Do your part, tell a friend about my battle and go get your PSA checked if you're over 40, you'll be glad you did

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

getting nervous

My last Lupron shot was in meeting with my Oncologist, Dr. Reza, he opted to not give me a shot in March. At the time, I was riding a winning streak of 5 straight quarterly PSA scores of "less than 0.01" which means the Hormone Ablation was working.

Cancer is in remission.

Next week, 6/14 I go back in for my first PSA since being off Lupron. I'm still taking Casodex which is the second hormone ablation drug we used to beat the cancer into remission.

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about how the test will turn out. I remember my friend Rana telling me that for years she felt nervousness when going in for regular tests....and they all turned out fine as she's a 10+ yr Breast Cancer survivor.

I'm sure everything will be fine.

more later