Monday, March 28, 2016

good feedback from my Oncologist

I met with my Oncologist again today, they drew blood to check the PSA. Blood Pressure was sky high again, 167/106, not sure why. Dr. Reza complimented me and said I was handling being on Androgen Deprivation Therapy very, very well. He emphasized this 2-3 times, makes me feel good that I'm dealing with the side effects well. He did chew me out because I'm not doing any strength training so I'll start today. one side effect of ADT is loss of muscle mass so I need to pay attention to this. overall, a good appointment. taking it one day at a time.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A quick 9 years

Gosh, it's been 9 years since we moved from Ohio to Charlotte. Time flies when you're having fun, right? 😳 Well for the most part it's been great, up until 7 years ago when the Dr. said "you have high risk, aggressive Prostate Cancer and we're going to throw everything at it in order to keep you alive". Wow, that threw a wobble in my orbit but I took a very positive attitude towards beating the cancer. Fast forward 7 years and after several surgeries and radiation, my cancer is in remission (knock on wood). One day at a time and thankful for every day. Until next time

Monday, March 14, 2016


...but not surprised. Rachel has been unresponsive in my attempts to contact her to find out if she's going to join me in Bali. My gut says she's never intended on going which is unfortunate, this is a trip of a lifetime. I think Rachel if fearful of how her mom would react if she said yes and went on the trip. Her mom has the fear of God in her and actually threatened her and said if she went on the trip, Rachel would need to move out, really? Well, I tried and I know Rachel will look back and regret not going on the trip.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Happy anniversary it's seven years!

Seven years ago today, my urologist said to me the words "you have cancer, prostate cancer not the slow-growing kind but the aggressive high risk kind the kills men". He continued and said " we are going to need to throw everything under the kitchen sink at this including surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, and most likely chemotherapy." Well, fast forward 7 years, while I have been through several major surgeries, radiation, hormone therapy, I still wake up every day thankfully with my cancer still in remission. Life is good 😂

Friday, March 4, 2016

Can you say WOW?!!!

So last week we had our Global Sales kickoff meeting and I learned that I qualified for our President's Club trip. Awesome! The trip is to a dream location...Bali, Indonesia, how about that! I've invited my daughter who is finishing her Freshman year at UNC Charlotte and because she wants to do a semester abroad in Japan next year, we would stop over in Japan on the way back home to check it out. Fingers crossed that Rachel takes me up on the invitation to take the trip of a lifetime!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

PSA low, business is high!

Last check, PSA came in at 0.01, awesome! Cancer remains in remission, thankfully. Fiscal Year 2016 ended on a high note,I was blessed enough to qualify for President's Club! This years trip goes to ....Bali, Indonesia. A dream location, at a brand new Four Seasons Resort. I've invited my daughter, Rachel to join me as this is the trip of a lifetime. Since Rachel wants to do a semester abroad in Japan, this trip can give great international exposure. Fingers crossed that she says yes and we go have an awesome time. Stay tuned