Thursday, June 30, 2016

All the plumbing is good

Met this week with Dr. Peterson from Duke, my miracle worker. The reconstructive surgery he did back in January, 2014 and it changed my quality of life dramatically. Well, my annual checkup showed all the plumbing is in great shape, kidneys look great and blood work is great. All good for another year, next plumbing checkup, June, 2017. Until next time

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

MLB adds light blue

This article moved me to tears. After seeing pink in the NFL for years, it's great to see another major sport get involved, this time for men. While I'd like to say "it's about time", I'm glad I'm seeing this effort. give it a read

PSA is low again

Just had my quarterly visit with my Oncologist, my PSA came in at 'less than 0.1'. great news. I also received my 4th shot of Eliguard, I'm good for another 90 days. good news is good