Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Did you honor our Military?

I hope you had a great weekend and spent time honoring and remembering our veterans and current military personnel, we owe them big time. Living in America is something special and we need to remember Freedom isn't free, the price is paid by dedicated individuals.

the weekend here was good, did the usual yard work and even dodged the rain and played a little golf. there were some small signs of improvement so maybe the treatments are paying off in another way.

Speaking of treatments, Memorial day was great, no traffic so it was a breeze. Today, different story, crazy traffic got in my way of being on time. I have to say, the radiation technicians are so, so nice it makes the visit easy.

I finally made the time to read the Lance Armstrong book: 'It not about the bike' and of course it was as good as everyone said it would be. If you haven't read it yet, you need to.


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