Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, to say the least it's been an interesting 2009. Early March I find out 'aggressive, high risk' prostate cancer is attacking my body. So after radiation and then surgery, we find out my PSA is still high showing evidence the cancer has spread.

the good news is scans showed up negative so wherever it is, it's hiding.
so hormone therapy is working, the last PSA was "less than 0.01". awesome.

So I exit 2009 very thankful for overwhelming support from family friends, coworkers,'s a blessing knowing so many people care. Thank you all for the help, thoughts and prayers.

Let's go into 2010 optimistic that medical science will develop a cure for prostate cancer. I believe we're not too far away. In fact, this week a study came on.

U.S. Cancer researchers have discovered an antibody called “F77″, which, when injected into mice, will bond with prostate cancer tissue and “initiate direct cell death” in it, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. In initial trials with mice “F77″ bonded with tissue where prostate cancer was the primary cancer in almost all cases (97 per cent) and in tissue cores where the cancer had metastasized around 85 per cent of the time.” Those are astounding rates, with a high percentage of success even attacking advanced stage cancer cells, while causing no harm to normal tissue or tumor tissues in other parts of the body at all.

Sign me up for the trial!

Well, another decade done (holy smokes time flies)
Here's to a great 2010!

Be safe and make today great.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

the best Xmas present ever

I just got off the phone with the nurse and she had my results from my PSA test yesterday.
talk about fast!

she said and I quote "the report says the PSA is 'less than o.o1' which is as close to zero as it gets"

Awesome news and it means the treatments are working.
While 2009 started with the 'you have cancer''s ending on a very positive note.

Here's to a great 2010!

All the best.

Health update

Hey everyone, yesterday was another visit to the oncologist for another PSA blood test and a shot of Lupron. Not the kind of 'shot' I prefer but it's doing it's job. In my younger days the shot would come in a short little glass but hell I'm too old for that now.

Good conversation with Dr. Reza, he's pleased with how the treatments are going and so are we. Tolerating the side effects is easier than getting fitted for a new suit and a pine box. Hold the flower arrangements for a while, this old dog is planning on being around a while.

Funny thing at the Dr. yesterday...being in sales the last week or two of each quarter and for the year are a little stressful as we chase down deals to get them closed. One deal in particular this year meant a lot to me which was a new deal with the PGA Tour. My rep who was working it needed this deal to put him well over 200% for Q4 but more importantly achieve 'Inner Circle' which is something you don't want to miss. So while I was at the office we were waiting for the contract to get signed and faxed.

The nurse took my blood was 160 over 108...pretty damn high and she was surprised. Then I told her about the deal, sales, etc and it all made sense :)

We got the deal, my team member reached Inner Circle and my bp is much lower.

Here's wishing you all a very happy holidays season. I'll most likely be back before we close out 2009.

Make it a great day

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are you ready?

Man, the holidays are here and this might be the worst year for me in terms of getting things done. Not enough lights on the house, a little behind on gifts...seems like every year I'm scrambling.

How about you? Some last minute shopping? To lower frustration, shop online and choose FedEx, avoid the malls.

Okay, speaking of online, tis the season to get yourself a tax deduction and donate to your favorite nonprofit organization. Yes, only 9 days left help your tax situation and more importantly, help those in need. If you don't have a favorite charity, let me know, I know of some awesome orgs that are doing great things.

So are you ready for 2010? Wasn't it just not too long ago we were celebrating 2000. Hell, the world was going to come to an end if everyone wasn't Y2K compliant. Hilarious.

2009 has been an interesting year for yours truly and hopefully a great one for you.

more tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Where did the year go?

Can you believe it's Dec 14th already? Better get all your shopping done soon or old St. Nick will bring you a lump of coal.

On the health front, still feeling good all things considered...could manage to lose a few lbs but I'm going to wait until January 1, it will be fun until then :).

Still having more hot flashes than I expected and will be discussing with the Dr. next week when I see him again. Hopefully there is a way to reduce the frequency.

It's an exciting time of year, Holiday season, Hockey season in full swing, NFL is down to the last 3 weeks of the regular season, then the playoffs, NCAA basketball is everywhere you turn. Go Packers!

Lastly, do yourself a favor and go find your local children's choir. I'm guessing they'll have a holiday concert you can attend. My two kids are in the Charlotte Children's Choir and it's special to see a group of kids from all walks of life come together for a great performance. Go find the kids concert and attend, you'll be glad you did.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving - a little late

I hope everyone had a relaxing a fun Thanksgiving, it's a great time to reflect on how fortunate we are and i know personally, I have a lot to be thankful for. A great spouse, two great kids, dog, cat, great job, great friends and health. Yes, my health.

A lot of people might wonder why I feel my health is something to be thankful for when I have cancer but I believe I have cancer for a reason. A good friend of mine just celebrated 9 years cancer free after battling breast cancer. She told me I would exit my cancer battle a different person and she' right. I'm much more vocal about prostate cancer awareness after learning through my process that 1 out of 6 men will get PC. Worse yet is the lack of research going on, especially for the 'high-risk', aggressive kind that I have.

I just participated in a month long event that promoted the awareness of PC and also served as a fundraiser with the proceeds going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation among others. Check out my 'Movember' page.

Oh, one last thing, if you ever get the chance to watch a space shuttle land, go for it. The family spent thanksgiving in Cocoa Beach, FL and we had the great experience of watching the Atlantis Shuttle land. very is to watch a launch.

Make it a great week peeps :)