Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Week

It's a big week, Tuesday is the follow up visit with the radiologist, should be just a formality.
Thursday I head up to Duke for a visit with the surgeon and a pre-op appointment that will include all of the testing work in addition to meeting the anesthesiologist.

My folks fly in from Wisconsin on Wednesday night and will be here for a few weeks helping out which will be great.

Kathy and I are heading up to Durham Sunday afternoon with surgery on Monday, August 3rd.
I'm guessing this week will go by fast.

I'll be lining up an email distribution list for Kathy to send out a note after the surgery.
shortly thereafter I'll be begging her to bring the laptop to the hospital, that is if they have internet connectivity.

look for another post later this week after the pre-op appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bob-a-rino!
    I'm glad to hear the surgery is almost here.

    The sooner it get's here, the sooner it can be over with and you can move on. Let the healing begin!

    We will be looking forward to your next update - post-op!

    We'll be praying for your speedy recovery!

